Facade of Sterling Keys by TGI in Bangalore

Spectacular Savings Await at Sterling Keys by TGI, Bangalore

Discover the essence of savings by redeeming these offers at Sterling Keys by TGI, Bangalore. Whether you're booking last-minute, planning, staying longer, or seeking an indulgent escape, we've tailored exceptional offers just for you.

Last Minute Deal

Caught in a last-minute rush to find a stay in Bangalore? Discover our exceptional deal at Sterling Keys by TGI, Bangalore. Enjoy a remarkable up to 27% discount on our best available rates when booking at the eleventh hour. The offer is valid till 31st March 2025.
NOTE: Applicable from 3 days before check-in date.

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A double bed with red blanket and red pillow covers in the Executive Suite at Sterling Keys by TGI 4
Image of a double bed with pink bedsheet and a kitchen visible from the Executive Suite at Sterling Keys by TGI

Early Bird Offer

Plan and reap the rewards with Sterling Keys by TGI, Bangalore. Our Early Bird special offers up to a 30% discount on the most favourable rates, making early reservations the smart choice for your visit. The offer is valid till 31st March 2025.
NOTE: Applicable for 4 days or more from the Check-in date

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Long Stay Offer

Embark on an extended getaway at Sterling Keys by TGI, Bangalore. Secure our exclusive long-stay offer and save up to 35% on the best available rates for a memorable vacation with family and friends. The offer is valid till 31st March 2025.
NOTE:  Applicable for the length of stay is 4 days or more

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Image of a bed and two sofas at the Executive Suite at Sterling Keys by TGI
Counter at the Dining hall at Sterling Keys by TGI in Bnagalore

Exclusive Offer

Step into a world of luxury at Sterling Keys by TGI and enjoy a lavish 15% discount on your stay. Don’t miss this limited-time offer to experience unparalleled comfort and savings. The offer is valid from 1st January 2025.
NOTE: Applicable for the length of stay is 4 days or more

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