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Enticing Offers at Livancia The Sojourn!

Immerse yourself in the heart of the city with enticing deals on accommodations at Livancia The Sojourn, Mahadevpura, Bangalore. Elevate your stay with special promotions designed to make your experience both memorable and cost-effective, ensuring a delightful escape in the vibrant city of Bangalore.

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Welcome Offer

Enjoy an unforgettable stay with our welcome offer—save up to 25%! Don’t miss this chance to create cherished memories in Bangalore.

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Last Minute Offer

Unlock incredible savings with our last-minute booking offer for Felicity by TGI- seize the opportunity and enjoy exclusive discounts up to 30% for a spontaneous and unforgettable getaway!

Valid till 31-10-2024

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Tray filled with two water bottle, cups and a kettle at TGI Felicity, Bangalore
Twin beds with an LCD Television at TGI Felicity, Bangalore

Long Stay Offer

Indulge in pure comfort and relaxation with our exclusive discounts up to 28% for extended stays of three days or more. Revel in extra savings and delightful amenities, making your extended getaway an inviting escape filled with warmth and hospitality

Valid till 31-10-2024

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Exclusive 30% Discount

Unlock the doors to a world of savings and comfort with our enticing 30% off offer on room bookings at TGI Felicity, guaranteeing you a delightful experience at an irresistible price

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Executive room with two beds and television at TGI Felicity

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